JSMA log
The JSMA log provides functionality for writing to a log file.
What can JSMA logdo for me?
You could easily use the JSMA log to create a log-entry
writing data
Here is an example on how to write data to the JSMA log file:
... log.error(message, [options]) ...
The JSMA log provides the following methods:
log.debug(message, [options])
Writes the message into the log file with level debug
... log.debug(message, [options]) ...
Parameter message:string (required)
Parameter options:object (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.
log.error(message, [options])
Writes the message into the log file with level error
... log.error(message, [options]) ...
Parameter message (required)
Parameter options (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.
log.fatal(message, [options])
Writes the message into the log file with level fatal
... log.fatal(message, [options]) ...
Parameter message (required)
Parameter options (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.
log.info(message, [options])
Writes the message into the logfile with level info
... log.info(message, [options]) ...
Parameter message (required)
Parameter options (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.
log.warn(message, [options])
Writes the message into the log file with level warning
... log.warn(message, [options]) ...
Parameter message (required)
Parameter options (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.
log.write(type, message, [options])
Writes the message into the log file with the given level (type)
... log.write(type, message, [options]) ...
Parameter type (required)
Parameter message (required)
Parameter options (optional)
May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.