JSMA event
JSMA event
What can JSMA event do for me?
Using the JSMA event you can trigger asynchronous processes to Event contents
The JSMA event provides the following methods:
event.send(url, args)
Starts an asynchronous event with url and args which will be passed as arguments to the receiving contents of type Event. The method returns immediatly.
// MINUTE var lastCallMinute = portal.get("smp.util.time.lastCallMinute"); if (lastCallMinute === null) { lastCallMinute = 0; } else { lastCallMinute = parseInt(lastCallMinute); } if (now - lastCallMinute > 60 * 1000 - 1000) { event.send("/timer/minute", {}); portal.set("smp.util.time.lastCallMinute", "" + now, { broadcastEvent : false }); }
Parameter url:string (required)
The URL which will be used to search for the matching WebEvents.
Parameter args:string[] (required)
An array of parameters which is overgiven as args to each matching WebEvent.