JSMA mail

JSMA mail


With JSMA mail you can send an email

What can JSMA mail do for me?

The JSMA mail lets you dispatch multipart emails allowing you to send a plain text body and attachments along with your HTML email.



The JSMA mail provides the following methods:

bool mail.send(recipients, subject, body, from_name, from_email, [plain_body], [portal], [files])

Dispatches an email to one or multiple recipients.

Returns true if sending was successful, or false if it wasn't.


else if (itemAction === "recommendFriends")
  var recommendationName = request.parameter("rn");
  var recommendationFriends = request.parameter("rf");
  var recommendationMessage = request.parameter("rm");
  var portal = getCurrentPortal();  
  var mailTemplateBodyName = portal.get("customers.recommendFriendsMailBody");  
  var mailTemplateSubjectName = portal.get("customers.recommendFriendsMailSubject");  
  var mailSender = portal.get("service.mail");  
  var mailSenderName = portal.get("service.mailSender");  
  var mailTemplateBody = contents.findByName(mailTemplateBodyName);  
  var mailTemplateSubject = contents.findByName(mailTemplateSubjectName);  

  var recommendationFriendMails = recommendationFriends.split(",");
  for (var i=0;i<recommendationFriendMails.length;i++)
    var recommendationFriendMail = recommendationFriendMails[i].trim(); 
    mail.send(recommendationFriendMail, mailTemplateSubject.content, mailTemplateBody.content, mailSenderName, mailSender);      

Parameter recipients:string[] (required)

A string or an array of strings which will be used as email recipients.

Parameter subject:string (required)

The email subject

Parameter body:string (required)

The email body.

Parameter from_name:string (required)

The name that will displayed next to the sender's email address.

Parameter from_email:string (required)

The email address that will be used in the FROM field of the message.

Parameter plain_body:string (optional)

An alternative plaintext body for the message.

Parameter portal:portal (optional)

A JSMA portal from which the smpt credentials shall be used.

Parameter files:file[] (optional)

A single JSMA file or a list.

The file(s) will be used as attachment(s) in the message.