JSMA portals
The JSMA portals provides functionality for finding portals.
What can JSMA portals do for me?
You could easily use the JSMA portals to find portals
The JSMA portals provides the following methods:
portal portals.current
Returns the current portal (JSMA portal) of the request session.
... var curPortal = portals.current; ...
portal portals.findById(id)
Finds a portal by a given id.
... var searchedPortal = portals.findById(123); ...
Avoid usage of findById
Ids change whenever a package is reimported. So please avoid using ids whenever possible. Also delivering contents to users by id might make it possible for users to flip through the references (and by that see contents of others possibly) by changing the ids in requests
Parameter int id
The id of the portal
portal portals.findByName(name)
Finds a portal by a given name.
... var searchedPortal = portals.findByName(name); ...
Parameter string name
portal portals.findByUuid(uuid)
Finds a portal by a given uuid.
... var searchedPortal = portals.findByUuid('D1B71463-67F8-4BD0-8ED4-A03F8FC63497'); ...