JSMA response
JSMA response
The JSMA responseĀ allows to manipulate the response that will be sent to the client
What canĀ JSMA response do for me?
You could use the JSMA response to manipulate the response that will be sent to the client
writing data
Here is an example on how to write data to a JSMA response:
... var mimeType = request.parameter("mimetype"); var fileId = request.parameter("id"); var file = files.findById(fileId); if (file !== null) { response.sendFile(file, mimeType); } ...
reading data
Here is an example on how to read data from a JSMA response :
... response.header ...
The JSMA file response the following methods:
header[] response.header
Returns the header of the response
... response.header ...
response.sendError(code, [message])
Sets the status code of the response to the given error code
... var file = files.findByUuid(request.parameter('id')); if (file === null) { response.sendError(404); return; } ...
Parameter code (required)
Parameter message (optional)
response.sendFile(file, [mime])
Sets a JSMA file to be sent as the response body.
... var mimeType = request.parameter("mimetype"); var fileId = request.parameter("id"); var file = files.findById(fileId); if (file !== null) { response.sendFile(file, mimeType); } ...
Parameter file (required)
Parameter mime (optional)
response.sendRedirect(target, [temp])
Sends a redirect response to the client
... response.sendRedirect(target, [temp]) ...
Parameter target (required)
Parameter temp (optional)
response.setHeader(key, value)
Sets a key/value pair in the response headers.
... response.setHeader(key, value) ...