JSMA console


What can JSMA console do for me?

JSMA console offers convenient access to the console object to debug your makros



The JSMA console provides the following methods:

bool console.assert(assertion, [objects])

Returns false when the assertion is also false. Otherwise it just logs the [objects].


var a = 41;
console.assert(function() { return a == 42 }, a); // => false

Parameter assertion:function (required)

A function that will be evaluated and checked for falsehood.

Parameter objects (optional)

void console.debug([objects])

Outputs a message to the log file or log handler using the debug logging flag.


console.debug('debug objects:', anObject, anotherObject);

Parameter objects (optional)

void console.error([objects])

Outputs a message to the log file or log handler using the error logging flag.


console.error('error:', anObject, anotherObject);

Parameter objects (optional)

void console.info([objects])

Outputs a message to the log file or log handler using the info logging flag.


console.info('info:', anObject, anotherObject);

Parameter objects (optional)

void console.log([objects])

Outputs a message to the log file or log handler using the info logging flag. (The same as console.info)

void console.setLogHandler(fun)

Override the file logger with a custom log handler.


console.setLogHandler(function(msg, caller_content_name, logged_objects) {})

Parameter fun:function (required)

A function that will be called with these parameters:

  • the log message (all logged objects joined as a string)
  • the name of the calling content
  • the logged objects

void console.time(timer_label)

Starts a named timer.



Parameter timer_label:string (required)

A label for the new timer.

int console.timeEnd(timer_label)

Ends a timer and returns the elapsed time in milliseconds.


console.timeEnd('some-timer-name'); // => 4480

Parameter timer_label:string (required)

The label of the timer to be stopped.

string console.trace()

Returns the current stack at the moment this method is called



void console.warn([objects])

Outputs a message to the log file or log handler using the warn logging flag.


console.warn('warning:', anObject, anotherObject);

Parameter objects (optional)