JSMA product

JSMA product


The JSMA product provides functionality for accessing and editing products.

What can JSMA product do for me?

You could use JSMA product to build a simplified product management interface for editors.



writing data

Here is an example on how to write data to a JSMA product:

product.addPreviewImage(file) // adds an image at the end of the list of preview images

reading data

Here is an example on how to read data from a JSMA product:

var prodName = product.name();


The JSMA product provides the following methods:

void product.addPreviewImage(file, [position])

Adds a preview image to the product.

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)


product.addPreviewImage(file) // adds an image at the end of the list of preview images
product.addPreviewImage(file, 0) // adds an image at the beginning of the list of preview images

Parameter file:fileParameter (required)

This can either be

  • an upload (received via request.parameter('upload_parameter_name'))
  • another JSMA file
  • or a String

as the file content.

Parameter position:Int (optional)

An optional index to set the position within the list of preview images.

bool product.addToPortal(id)

Adds the product to a portal by ID.

Returns true or false, depending if the operation was successful.

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)


product.addToPortal(1) // => true

Parameter id (required)

string product.category

Returns the category field of the product.


product.category // => 'A Category'

product product.clone(name)

Clones the product and returns the copy as a JSMA product.

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)


product.clone() // => product

Parameter name: (optional)

int product.centPrice

Returns the product price in cents (integer)


product.centPrice // => 1995


Returns the customPath field of the product.


product.customPath // => '/a-custom-path/to-a-product'

bool product.delete()

Marks a product as deleted.

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)


product.delete() // => true

void product.deletePermanent()

Permanently deletes a product.

This function is deprecated!



string product.deliveryInformation

Returns the deliveryInformation field of the product.


product.deliveryInformation // => 'some delivery information'

string product.description

Returns the rendered description field of the product.


product.description // => 'some product description'

string product.descriptionUnprocessed

Returns the unprocessed content of the description field of the product.


product.descriptionUnprocessed // => 'description with renderable content'

string product.cacheKey

Returns a string that you can use in the fragment cache. This string will change whenever the product or one of its files is changed.


product.cacheKey # => "12589387317632578294"


Returns an array of the flex attributes of the product


function getCategoryConfiguratorFilter(product, parameters)
  var result = {};
  var flexAttributes = product.flexAttributes;  
  for(var i=0;i<flexAttributes.length;i++)
    var flexAttribute = flexAttributes[i];
    if (/^category\./.test(flexAttribute))
      result[flexAttribute.substring(9)] = product.get(flexAttribute);
  return JSON.stringify(result);

string product.format1

Returns the format1 field of the product.


product.format1 // => 'format1 content'


Returns the format2 field of the product.


product.format2 // => 'format2 content'

string product.get(key)

Returns the value of key as string or null if no value is set under the key.



Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be looked up in the flexAttributes of the product.

boolean product.has(key)

Returns a boolean value depending on whether key is present for a given product



Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be checked in the flexAttributes of the product.

bool product.hasTemplate

Returns whether the product has a template associated


product.hasTemplate // => true

int product.id

Returns the id field of the product.




Increments the vale of a given key by one.



Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be incremented in the flexAttributes of the product.

bool product.isDeleted

Returns whether product is marked as deleted.


product.isDeleted // => false

bool product.isDirectDelivery

Returns whether product is a direct delivery product.


product.isDirectDelivery // => true


Returns whether the product is associated to the current portal.


product.isInPortal // => true

bool product.isOfflineEditable

Returns whether product is marked as offline editable.

This function is deprecated!


product.isOfflineEditable // => false

bool product.isOnlineEditable

Returns whether product is marked as online editable.

This function is deprecated!


product.isOnlineEditable // => true

bool product.isShopDelivery

Returns whether product is marked as shop delivery.


product.isShopDelivery // => false

string product.metaDescription

Returns the metaDescription field of the product.


product.metaDescription // => 'some meta description'

string product.metaKeywords

Returns the metaKeywords field of the product.


product.metaKeywords // => 'some keywords'

string product.metaTitle

Returns the metaTitle field of the product.



string product.name

Returns the name field of the product.


product.name // => 'the product name'

string product.name1

Returns the name1 field of the product.


product.name1 // => 'name1 content'

string product.name2

Returns the name1 field of the product.


product.name2 // => 'name2 content'

int product.originalCentPrice

Returns the original product price in cents (integer)


product.originalCentPrice // => 2495

float product.originalPrice

Returns the originalPrice field of the product. (Streichpreis)


product.originalPrice // => 24.95

int product.packageId

Returns the packageId field of a product


product.packageId // => 1

string product.path

Returns the merged custom URI for a product.


product.path // => '/products/some-product'

int[] product.portalIds

Returns a list of portal ids.


product.portalIds // => [1, 2]

portal[] product.portals

Returns a list of JSMA portal to which the product is associated.


product.portals // => [portal0, portal1]

string[] product.previewImageIds

Returns a list of JSMA file uuids.


product.previewImageIds // => ['UUID_LIKE0', 'UUID_LIKE1']

string[] product.previewImagePaths([max_width], [max_height])

Returns a list of the URIs to the associated previewImages. Optionally resized to a desired value.


product.previewImagePaths(64, 64) // => ['/media/path0.jpg', '/media/path1.jpg']

Parameter max_width (optional)

An optional integer for the maximum width of the resized image.

Parameter max_height (optional)

An optional integer for the maximum height of the resized image.

file[] product.previewImages

Returns a list of JSMA file of the associated previewImages.


product.previewImages // => [file0, file1]

float product.price

Returns the product price.


product.price // => 9.95

string product.printApiId

Returns the printApiId field of the product.


product.printApiId // => 'UUID_LIKE'

file product.productImage

Returns the product image as a JSMA file, if available.


product.productImage // => file
anotherProduct.productImage // => null

string product.productImageId

Returns the uuid of the product image.


product.productImageId // => 'UUID_LIKE'

string product.productImagePath([max_width], [max_height])

Returns a URI for the product image. Optionally the image may be resized by setting the arguments for max_width and max_height.


product.productImagePath(64, 64) // => '/media/some-image-path.jpg'

Parameter max_width (optional)

An optional integer for the maximum width of the resized image.

Parameter max_height (optional)

An optional integer for the maximum height of the resized image.


Removes the key from the flexAttributes of the product



Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be removed from the flexAttributes of the order.

void product.removeFromPortal(id)

Removes the product from the portal specified by id.

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)



Parameter id (required)

void product.removePreviewImage(uuid)

Removes a preview image by uuid

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)



Parameter uuid (required)

product.set(key, value, [options])

Sets the value of a specified key for a given product.

This function is deprecated! Use update-function instead!


product.set(key, value, [options])

Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be set in the flexAttributes of the product.

Parameter value:string (required)

The value to be set for the key

Parameter options (optional)

May have a key 'broadcastEvent':bool which determines whether the log message shows up in the websocket log view.

bool product.setDescription(value)

Updates the description with the desired value. Returns whether the update was successful.

This function is deprecated! Use update-function instead!

Slice aware

This entity is slice aware, which means that to use this facility:

  • there must be a logged in user in the context of the execution
  • this user must be currently within a slice
  • this user must have the necessary privileges to edit the entity (IFE → System → Benutzer → Roles → Content-Management)


product.setDescription('new description') // => true

Parameter value (required)

bool product.setOriginalPrice(price)

Sets the product original price. Returns true or false depending on whether the operation was successful.


product.setOriginalPrice(1995) // => Original price will be 24.95

Parameter int price (required)

The new original price in cents

bool product.setPrice(price)

Sets the product price. Returns true or false depending on whether the operation was successful.
