JSMA session

JSMA session


The JSMA session provides functionality for handling sessions

What can JSMA session do for me?

It makes session handling easier by wrapping native JavaSript session handling methods



writing data

Here is an example on how to write data to a JSMA session:

session.set('username', 'IKONA-Admin')

reading data

Here is an example on how to read data from a JSMA session:

var username = session.get('username');


The JSMA session provides the following methods:

string session.get(key)

Returns the value of key as string or null if no value is set under the key.


var username = session.get('username');

Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be looked up in the flexAttributes of the session.

boolean session.has(key)

Returns a boolean value depending on whether key is present for the current session


if (session.has('username') === true)

Parameter key:string(required)

The key to be checked in the flexAttributes of the session.

string session.id

Returns the id of the current session


var sessionId = session.id;

void session.pickup(newSessionId)

Allows you to switch between different sessions.


var searchedSession = session.pickup('baae790b7d53db6972fd20c679a9810c');

Parameter newSessionId:String (required)

The desired new session ID.

session.set(key, value)

Sets the value of a specified key for the current session.


session.set('username', 'IKONA-Admin')

Parameter key:string (required)

The key to be set in the flexAttributes of the session.

Parameter value:string (required)

The value to be set for the key

session.withLock(duration, function)

Locks the currents session for a given time "duration" in seconds. The given function is executed while the lock is active


session.withLock(30, function {

Parameter duration (required)

The duration in seconds

Parameter function (required)

The function that is processed within the lock