
Class Wiki

HTML Escape Codes

To escape IFE Wiki specific codes just use the html escape codes:


Keyword @define

@define enrich example <a href="http://www.example.com/">Example</a>

@define enrichWords example <a href="http://www.example.com/">Example</a>

@define enrichWordsCode example <a href="http://www.example.com/">example</a>

@define enrichWordsHeading example fa.cogs Example

Embed plain HTML with {html.x} ... {/html}


The following fields are defined in the class Wiki:

enrichWords, enrichWordsCode, enrichWordsHeading

object Wiki.enrichWords

Defines the replacement list for regular text in the wiki

object Wiki.enrichWordsCode

Defines the replacement list for code in the wiki

object Wiki.enrichWordsHeading

Defines the replacement list for headings in the wiki