Portal management

Portal management

On this site you find information on how to manage portals.


Start managing your portals by clicking on "Content-Management → Portale"

You get a list of available portals:

Create / Edit a portal

Basic settings

You can enter the basic settings of a portal here:

IDThe ID of the portal - automatically set upon creation of the portal1
NamespaceThe namespace the portal belongs to_instance.staging-my-ikona
TitelThe title of the portalikona-staging
URLThe URL of the portal (Regular expression. This will be matched against the request from the domain, to resolve the current portal)^staging-www\.my-ikona\.com
Portal-Domain (Host)The portal domain (Host) (accessible by the JSMA portal.host)staging-www.my-ikona.com
ProductionHostThe production host (optional. If set, this domain will be used for content resolving instead of the actual domain of the request)
Log Level

The level of logging. Possbile values are:

  • INFO
  • WARN


Security settings

Secure a portal using Basic Auth when the portal should not be public (yet).

Basic Auth BenutzerThe name of the user, that should be used for Basic Auth
Basic Auth PasswortThe password of the user for Basic Auth

Backend settings

Set up a backend for further processing of the order. This is mainly used for connecting the IFE to the IBE2 Service.

Backend TypThe type of the used backendikona.ibe2
URLThe URL where the backend can be foundhttps://print2.my-ikona.com/ibe2/
BenutzerThe user that is used to authenticate at the backend
PasswortThe password of the user

IBS settings

Connect the portal with the Ikona Binary Store (IBS)

Ibs Base UrlThe URL of the IBS API server
Ibs UserThe user name used in authentication
Ibs PasswordThe password used in authentication

E-Mail settings

Set up SMTP-settings. These will be used when sending mail programmatically via JSMA mail.

SMTP-ServerThe URL of the SMTP-server
SMTP-PortThe port of the SMTP-server
SMTP-BenutzerThe user name that is used for authentication
SMTP-PasswortThe password that is used for authentication

See also JSMA mail

Payment settings

Set up the supported payment types for the portal.

Versand MwStSatzThe percentage of the value-added tax
ZahlungsartenChose the possible payment-types
Paypal-ModusIf Paypal is in one of the intended payment-types, you can choose here, whether the sandbox-mode of paypal should be used or the live-mode
Paypal LoginThe user that is used to authenticate with the Paypal-server (live-mode)
Paypal PasswortThe password of the user (live-mode)
Paypal API SignaturThe signature of the API (live-mode)
Paypal Sandbox LoginThe user that is used to authenticate with the Paypal-server (sandbox-mode)
Paypal Sandbox PasswortThe password of the user (sandbox-mode)
Paypal Sandbox API SignaturThe signature of the API (sandbox-mode)

Shipping settings

Select which shipping methods the user will be able to choose from:

VersandartenChoose one of the possible shipping methods
VersandregionenManage the shipping regions
LandThe destination countryDeutschland
AktivChoose whether this region should be active or not
PrioritätChosse whether this region has priority or not
VersandThe shipping costs the customer has to pay5.50
Versand XLThe xl-shipping costs the customer has to pay9.95
ExpressversandThe express shipping costs the customer has to pay
Expressversand XLThe xl-express shipping costs the customer has to pay
AktionenPossible actions, e.g. delete the region

Template settings

Set up templates for the portal. You can set a default layout and an error layout. The template should include the macro page.content. This is where the content of the current page will be substituted.

Default LayoutThe layout that should be used by defaultikona.templates.Content
Fehler LayoutThe layout that should be used when an error occurred

Flexible Attributes

Store arbitrary key/value pairs. Keep in mind that values will be converted into strings. See the JSMA portal functions get, set, has, increment on how to work with the flexible attributes programmatically.

First columnThe name of the flexible attribute
Second columnThe value of the flexible attribute
LöschenDelete the flexible attribute

Updating a production system

To perform a complete update of a production system using the code from a staging system, you can perform the following steps:

1. Export the data from staging

At the staging-system open the source-control:

Check, whether the "Repo Settings" are correct, for example:

Click on "Export" an wait until the export is done.

2. Activate the maintenance-page

Log in at the production system that should be updated and active the maintenance-page.

See Maintenance Mode - activate; for PFB-Cluster use https://print50.my-ikona.com/_jenhaproxystats and „Set state to MAINT“ for the Ikona and the PFB-Backend. For PFB do the following steps on print52 or print54:

3. Import the data

At the production system, open the source-control again and check, whether the "Repo Settings" are correct.

After that click on "Import" an wait until the import has finished

4. Sphinx re-build

If the import does not notice "Rebuilding sphinx indices for CMS entities" you have to do it manually, see /wiki/spaces/IKONA/pages/305627140

5. Empty Cache

See Empty cache

6. Reset sessions

See /wiki/spaces/IKONA/pages/305627140

7. Reset carts

See /wiki/spaces/IKONA/pages/305627140

8. Deactivate the maintenance-page

See Maintenance Mode - deactivate; for PFB-Cluster use https://print50.my-ikona.com/_jenhaproxystats and „Set state to READY“ for the Ikona and the PFB-Backend. 

9. View and test all pages

View all updated pages in order to fill the cache again. Also check, whether all pages are shown correctly.

10. Test the editor

Test the editor using several products.

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